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This is Edmonton

How does your neighbourhood compare to the city average on detailed census demographics like household income, age, transportation used to get to work, and other metrics?

This is Edmonton lets you compare these metrics between neighbourhoods by combining storytelling, 3D mapping, and data about the hundreds of neighbourhoods in Edmonton.

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Our city has over 375 neighbourhoods...
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Of which about 200 have at least 500 people in them.
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Some insights: New suburbs have the largest proportion of 0-4 year olds...
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Neighbourhoods with a greater proportion of high income households are on the southwest, along the river...
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More Ukrainian speakers can be found in Beverly Heights, Delwood, and Kildare on the north side...
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Higher use of public transit to get to work can be found along the LRT line, with Mill Woods being an exception...
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Explore Edmonton
Hi, thank you for visiting our "This is Edmonton" tool / visualization, complete with a 3D map of the city's demographics across a few hundred neighbourhoods.

It currently works only on a desktop or laptop, however. Please try it there.

Hi, thank you for visiting our "This is Edmonton" tool / visualization, complete with a 3D map of the city's demographics across a few hundred neighbourhoods.

It currently requires Chrome, Brave, or the latest Microsoft Edge browser to work, however. Please try one of these browsers instead of


Who is this created by?

With collaboration with the team at Darkhorse Analytics, Eugene Chen and Nancy Ho were the main drivers behind this project.

See some of our more recent projects like this one on our portfolio.

I have questions/suggestions. How can we reach you?

Please drop us an email at thisisyeg@darkhorseanalytics.com.

How did this project come about?

Inspired by some of the visualizations brought together by the City of Edmonton's analytics group, we wondered if we could build on their data and see how far we could push combining additional visualization technologies with Tableau.

It was also built on some of the concepts we considered on some of our earlier projects.

How is this made with Tableau?

All the data, including the charts you see on the right side (now underneath this FAQ), come from Tableau workbooks currently hosted on Tableau Public. In fact, the charts on the right side are Tableau workbooks.

Is there more updated data?

The 2021 census data is released, but we're waiting for the neighbourhood divided data to be available on the City of Edmonton's open data portal. It'll likely take a few months before that data is available from StatCan.

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This is Edmonton
2016 Demographics
Comparing with
Percentage (%) of Neighbourhood that
Takes Public Transit to Work